I am currently working as a Dean of Faculty of Science and Letters and Prof. of the Department of Psychology in Başkent University, Ankara / Türkiye. On this site, you can find (1) my academic works, which are mostly related to social psychology, (2) information about courses that I teach, and (3) some of my photography works. The site is mainly in English, but there are also Turkish versions of the related topics.
- Doğan Kökdemir, PhD
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Recep Ivedik ve İnsanlaştırma
Science, Art, and Education
Univer-sity is the place where knowledge about the universe is taught and learned. Thus, university education must be an educational activity tapping this purpose. I do not care whether or not university students will apply their knowledge to their own lives, but I think they will do it. Academicians who try to teach knowledge about the universe should keep that science and education are not separate entities. Furthermore, any scientific education should also include art and literature. In psychological training, specifically, you cannot rely only on current studies on a specific topic; instead, we have to let both art and literature illuminate our way. Art, in fact, is the highest form of science.
Üniversite evren hakkındaki bilgilerin öğretildiği ve öğrenildiği bir yerdir. Bu yüzden üniversite eğitiminin bu özelliğe uygun olması gerekir. Öğrencilerin öğrendikleri bilgileri bir yerde uygulayıp uygulamamaları ile ilgilenmiyorum - ki büyük ihtimalle uygulayacaklardır. Evren hakkında bilgiyi öğretmeye çalışan akademisyenlerin aklında tutması gereken bir şey vardır; bilim ve eğitim ayrı varlıklar değildir. Ek olarak, herhangi bir bilimsel eğitim içinde sanatı ve edebiyatı da barındırmalıdır. Özellikle psikoloji eğitiminde, sadece belirli konularda yapılmış çalışmalara güvenemezsiniz, sanatın ve edebiyatın yolumuzu aydınlatmasına izin vermeliyiz. Sanat, aslına bakarsanız, en ileri düzeyde bilimdir.
A brief note to psychology majors: Do not stick to psychology only. Psychology courses in universities will teach you basic paradigms and fundamental concepts in psychological research, and you should learn them. However, to be a "good psychologist," you should direct your attention to other areas as well as psychology. The "other areas" may include scientific areas such as mathematics, physics, biology, anthropology, and art and literature.
Psikoloji lisans öğrencileri için kısa bir not: Sadece psikolojie ile sınırlı kalmayın. Üniversitelerde verilen psikoloji dersleri sizlere temel paradigmaları ve kavramlı öğretir ve bunları zaten öğrenmeniz gerekir. Ancak iyi bir psikolog olmak için, dikkatiniz psikoloji dışındaki alanlara da yöneltmelisiniz. Bu diğer alanlar, matematik, fizik, biyoloji, antropoloji gibi bilimsel alanları da içerir, sanat ve edebiyatı da.
New Blog on Existentialism is on Air: Existentical Cafe
Les Deux Magots (in Paris, France) was one of the places where French existentialists met each other and here in a globally large Café, we try to initiate a new meeting with those who are interested in existentialism and existential psychology. You can also our Twitter page for latest and microblogged information.
Both existentialism and existential psychology are alive today, but our point of view should not be considered trend-seeking. In other words, we do not believe either Theory A or Theory B because one of them is fashionable but instead tries to understand the world around us and in us. Therefore, our main aim is to understand or try to re-understand the theoretical foundations of existentialism and then apply this information to understand the main topic of scientific adventure: why do people behave as they do?
What am I working on, thinking of and writing about?
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